
By TetraMap_Admin

Our Alumni
By Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

Join our alumni network on LinkedIn!

Our alumni network is a great tool to help those of you with a TetraMap Facilitator Certification connect with other TetraMap alumni. You can use it to foster connections within your community, broaden your professional network, find connections while travelling, and simply connect with others who understand and appreciate the life-changing benefits of the TetraMap model.

It’s also a fantastic way to showcase your qualification to your own network!

To join, simply add your TetraMap Certification to your LinkedIn profile, and you’ll automatically be added as an alumni.

To find others in the network, head to the alumni section on our LinkedIn page where you will find a full list. 

So, what are you waiting for?

Join our alumni network today and make the most of this opportunity to build meaningful relationships with other people in our growing TetraMap community!

While you’re there, don’t forget to follow our LinkedIn page where we also share important updates, information about upcoming events, and thought-provoking ideas that will help you grow!

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