Auckland TetraHui – hosted by
Hynds NZ

By Brett - September 7, 2023

Thank you for your incredible contributions and fabulous participation.
Ka rawe!

What an Inspiring TetraHui

Special thanks to Lou McNeil and Hynds for providing a great ako space and yummy kai! And to you for traveling and making our time together so meaningful.


We opened the Hui with an interactive karakia led by Haani Huata – Allen .

The photo on the right is the Te Reo Karakia she taught us. The essence of which honoured the work we do today, that it is built on the gifts we have received from our ancestors and it is our responsibility to pass this on to the next generation.

Ruhia King led us through Rongo Pungao (holistic energy healing) to help us all have good energy for the day. It certainly had a good effect on us all. 

On gathering, we all found a spot in the room surrounded by the usual items to aid in metaphor and started to share where we were from and what we do as well as how we came to know TetraMap. So many inspiring things are being done by the group. so below is just a few pics to remember it by.

TetraHui first Table

Help us discover

We asked the group what TetraMap had helped them discover. the answers were enlightening and showed us some new perspectives and sparked off some conversation on the topics, again a great tool to use in your sessions.

Hui Word Could

We then started to work through the TetraMap of Leadership

Sharing insights into what the elements meant to each other, and discovering new insights into leadership an the way we all think about it.
Andrew Melville is a fabulous orator,  bringing depth and richness to the written word from the TetraMap Blue Book on Leadership.  

TetraMap of Leadership

The responses to the quetions were both enlightening and challenging and were most definitely inspiring

Catalytic question 1

Catalytic question 2

Catalytic question 3Catalytic question 4

We finish the session off with a lovely lunch and catch up thanks to Hynds and their generous hospitality. here is the group pictures taken of us all at the end.

Hynds TetraHui group pic 2 Hynds TetraHui group pic 1

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