Emma Taylor

Emma Taylor

Certified:  04th October 2018

Curium Solutions
Telephone:  07917 533845
Email:         emmataylor@curiumsolutions.com
Website: curiumsolutions.com

Emma is Head of Transforming Operations at the award-winning consultancy Curium Solutions, who specialise in empowering potential in individuals, teams and organisations.

Emma can offer a unique approach to transforming operations through blending TetraMap core concepts with operational management skills, coaching methodologies and project management disciplines. All of this helps her clients to transform their internal capability to focus on leadership and operational efficiencies. Emma understands the importance of focusing on the people aspects of operational change first and foremost in order to sustain long lasting benefits.

Emma has a range of experience in industries such as financial services, utilities, retail and the legal sector, and has worked in the public sector too.


Emma sees the effectiveness of  TetraMap every single day whether that’s within her own internal team or within the clients she helps to support.

TetraMap can be used to enhance your knowledge of your own behaviour and of course, those of the people around you too. Not only that, it can be practically applied to improve any aspect of your frameworks or methodologies to enhance ‘balance’ in every aspect of your working (and non-working) life.

It also provides a common language amongst teams that will enable them to  respond more effectively to over or under played preferences.

Here at Curium we live and breathe TetraMap in every aspect of our organisation. A large proportion of our team are TetraMap facilitators. We pride ourselves on the quality of our delivery in every aspect and it is guaranteed that any Curium workshop will be fun, informative, high paced, and ultimately accelerate behavioural change.

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