Renee Rainville

Renee Rainville

Certified: 13th May 2011

York YO26 5AN
0044 7469 701106

Renee has exceptional intuition and objectivity when it comes to seeing the bigger picture. As an experienced educator, she found that coaching skills and a holistic approach to personal and professional growth was part of the 21st century skills made so popular in recent years. Renee is a certified Life Coach and a Certified TetraMap Facilitator. Her workshops and courses for educational administration, teaching, and parenting in the 21st century have helped schools and parents explore effective techniques and break-through paradigms becoming models to be followed. In recent years, she has applied her skills to developing work teams that were struggling under control-based leadership. Her mission is to inspire people to take a step forward into the unknown and make the world a smaller place through understanding and communication.

I have worked in Mexico, Qatar and Jordan. With my understanding of the Middle East culture, I continue to strengthen ties in that region and am available for workshops in that area of the world.

TetraMap Facilitation

The TetraMap program empowers us to:

  • Become observers of our actions, reactions and emotions.
  • Create a framework for goal setting.
  • Cultivate and balance abilities for proactive communication.
  • Foster an environment of true collaboration.
  • Enjoy highly productive individuals.

The TetraMap program has been part of my life for over 4 years. Both my children use the TetraMap vocabulary when referring to any issue with relationships. This tool has transformed the way I see the world and education, and I look forward to sharing this vision with you.

I’m using TetraMap every day. I used to have a lot of problems with my sister and my school partners because being an engineer is not exactly what I want to do with my “Fire.” Now that I know who I am and what I do, I’m more patient with the others, and it’s great! Thank you so much!

Irina, Engineering Student, Monterrey, México



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Client Testimonial

I’m using TetraMap every day. I used to have a lot of problems with my sister and my school partners because being an engineer is not exactly what I want to do with my “Fire.” Now that I know who I am and what I do, I’m more patient with the others, and it’s great! Thank you so much!

Engineering Student
Monterrey, México

York YO26 5AN
0044 7469 701106