Sheree Camilleri

Sheree Camilleri

Certified: 17th December 2008

Action Stations
Telephone: 021 61 2005

Has your workplace lost its SPARK ?
Is team morale affecting productivity?

Action Stations works with teams to ignite passion, synergy, and performance.

Do you ever wonder “Why are they like that?” TetraMap takes the mystery out of individual and team behaviour and creates a fresh look at people’s behavioural styles and differences in a positive light. Using a simple and effective instrument, participants gain an understanding of their own preferred style and how that impacts on their role at work and with others. Teams that are already working well together discover new ways of building an even stronger and more efficient unit while teams who are experiencing difficulty gain an understanding of the mix of individual styles that make up their team and how to accommodate these differences to build a cohesive unit.

TetraMap Facilitation

Our programmes address common criticisms of many team building programmes:

  1. The behavioural profile tool is too complex – you can’t remember your own profile combination let alone any of your team members. Our customers comment on how easy and quick the TetraMap tool is – 3 hours is all it takes – and they can remember what their colleagues’ profiles are too!
  2. Now that I know what my profile is what next, how do I apply it? Our programme gives you tips and tools on how you can communicate effectively for win / win results.
  3. Team building is just an expensive fun day out with no transferable and lasting change of behaviours into the reality of the workplace. Not with our programmes with the critical component of TetraAction Challenges and TetraDebriefing. This links the newly enhanced behavioural awareness with performance in the workplace.

Here’s what some of our clients have to say…

It was difficult finding adequate time in a school term to commit to a whole staff training programme and give justice to the TetraMap workshop – we have so many curriculum initiatives to consider.
However as a result of the workshop I found TetraMap to be a worthwhile experience for all staff.
It aids understanding and appreciation of why people think, act, react the way they do. This contributes to creating a level playing field where we have an awareness of each other’s differences.
The specific aspect I liked most about TetraMap was staff having the opportunity to articulate how they like to be approached and interacted with.
Those who participated indicated that they have a greater understanding of their fellow team members’ styles of operating and decision making.

Sue Horne, Principal Maungatapu School, Tauranga

RISK-FREE Guarantee: We guarantee workshop outcomes. If for some reason you are not satisfied that the workshop meets the agreed outcomes, Action Stations will offer an additional session at no extra charge.

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The overall feedback rated you with another presenter (Annah Stretton) as the tops! When the participants were asked what they liked best, their comments included:

  • Personality profiling – as it will help me communicate with my team on a better level
  • TetraMapping – understanding different types of people and myself
  • Interactive TetraMapping with Sheree – fun and very interesting to see how we are all so different

Sheree Camilleri – great with showing me how to communicate better with others

Chris Hale, Hauraki Coromandel Development Group

TetraMap gives people a framework for exploring how their behaviour impacts on others and helps us understand how we may respond to the way others operate.
TetraMap gave our team an opportunity to openly explore their personality traits in a safe and at times humorous environment.
The aspect we liked most about TetraMap was the opportunity to get into groups with other like-minded people. It was great making links to how similar people think, feel and act.
It was also good to get into syndicate teams to discuss opportunities that are based on everyone’s strengths and ways of working.
It was nice to take time to reflect on how one individually operates and to collectively discuss the opportunities for developing stronger, more cohesive teams.

Mike Mokai (Principal) and the Leadership Team, St Columba’s Catholic School, Hamilton